SANGAM – All Faith Climate Change Conference 2019

SANGAM – All Faith Climate Change Conference 2019

Seva Kendra Calcutta (SKC), the Social Services Organisation of the Archdiocese of Calcutta organized an All-Faith Climate Change Conference at its Main Campus in Kolkata on 14th December. This was a unique initiative which brought together Religious leaders, social activists, environmental experts and members from most communities together to formulate a common action plan of climate change mitigation in the state of West Bengal, informed  Most Rev. Thomas D’Souza, Archbishop of Calcutta.

     The conference entailed simultaneous workshops amongst Indic Faiths, Tribal traditions and Prophetic Religions, with a General Assembly and Youth Open House. Finally, a United All-Faith Statement was formulated with the Sangam Declaration, which would be the basis for future implementation at the level of religious educational institutions, community centres and places of worship,  informed Fr. Franklin Menezes,  Director of Seva Kendra Calcutta.

     A special highlight was the establishment and conferment of Sangam Green Awards 2019, for  environmental advocacy and social green impact,  presented by Most Rev. Thomas D’Souza, Archbishop of Calcutta. The Awards were Sangam Solar Pioneer Award - Dr. S. P. Gon Chaudhuri Green Crusader Award - Shri Dinesh Rawat, Founder of Greenmall Green Ambassador Award - Dr Satnam Singh Ahluwalia, Founder of IHA Foundation Green Adoption Award - Calcutta Province, IBVM (Loreto Sisters).
         A ceremonial lighting of Sangam Tree of Hope and distribution of saplings to be planted at various at religious and educational institutes also took place


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