
HR Sampark connects 120 Heart – Heads – Hands at its Wellness Conclave 2020 for a Healthier and Happier Kolkata

HR Sampark connects 120 Heart – Heads – Hands at its Wellness Conclave 2020 for a Healthier and Happier Kolkata HR Sampark, a Kolkata based Trust founded by a team of professionals with backgrounds in HR, training-coaching-mentoring, entrepreneurship, academics came together at Hotel Hindusthan International on 8th Feb with a Wellness Conclave. It was an attempt to project how physical, social, mental & financial well-being are capable of making our workplaces and society at large a better place to live in.      HR Sampark, completing two years now, is a platform for professionals to network and carve out a niche in the city with its various outreach programs in CSR, industry-academia, Knowledge Sharing  etc Hon Chief Guest, Ms. Alokananda Ray, stressed on how feeling happy is a self-controlled decision. We should choose to be happy, be empathic and less judgemental towards others.     Speaking at Sampark’s Wellness Conclave,...

Create Change: PM’s Ujjwala Scheme & its implications

Create Change: PM’s Ujjwala Scheme & its implications -  Santi Ranjan Karar, Invited Guest Lecturer, DeMontfort University & University of North Hampton, UK     Prime Minister’s Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) was launched by Narendra Modi on 1 May 2016. It is an initiative by the Prime Minister to distribute 50 million LPG connections to women and their families who lie below the poverty level.      A study by the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that around 4.3 million people die around the world due to extended smoke inhalation from home made earth stoves fueled by dried cow dung, firewood fueled by kerosene or coal. It is no secret that even as a strong and upcoming economy, a large majority of India’s population are still impoverished. In 2019 we find ourself in as situation that’s both contradictory and shocking. In one side a majority of Indians own and carry smartphones, but on the other side many of the women in the vi...

'ALVIVA' presents 'Hello Kolkata STYLE ICON'

 'ALVIVA' presents 'Hello Kolkata STYLE ICON' 'ALVIVA' presented 'Hello Kolkata STYLE ICON' on 18 & 19 Dec., 10 am - 4 pm at Burdwan Club, Bardhaman Town, WB.  This unique Contest is a Talent Hunt for Make-Up Artists and Plus-Size Women (Greater in Volume). After the very successful Grand Finale with Differently-Abled Talents, presented by 'SANGBEDAN' on 12 Dec at Saturday Club, Kolkata, 'Hello Kolkata STYLE ICON 2019' unfurled 13 talented Make-Up Artists and 22 Plus-Size Women. Presented by 'ALVIVA', the 2-days' event's focus is 2020 Calendar Shoot. Creative Photography of Alviva's Calendar Shoot is by the renowned Rana Bose. 'Hello Kolkata STYLE ICON' has tacit support of Rotary Club Of Calcutta South East, IDEF (Indian Disabled Entrepreneurs Forum, formed by Sumit Agarwal), Bani's Herbal (MD - Bani Banerjee), Daffodil Incorporate (MD - Rudra Sen), Purbasha...

Dance sensation Swarnabha Chakraborty

Dance sensation Swarnabha Chakraborty আমি স্বর্ণাভ চক্রবর্তী। আমি মধ্যমগ্রাম-এর বাসিন্দা। আমি নৃত্য খেলোয়ার এবং এখন নৃত্যকে স্পোর্টস এ ফেলা হয়। ক্রীড়া নৃত্যর সংস্থা ভারত তথা পৃথিবীতে আছে। সেখান থেকেই আমি স্টেট লেভেল, ন্যাশনাল এবং আন্তজাতিক স্তরে অনেক গোল্ড, সিলভার, ব্রোঞ্জ মেডেল জিতে ভারতকে রিপ্রেসেন্ট করেছি। (নেপাল কাঠমান্ডু শহরে). তারপর  অর্থের অভাবে রাশিয়ার অলিম্পিয়াড ডান্সের খেলায় ভাগ নিতে পারিনি। একই  সালে 2019 এ নেপাল জয় করে আমি আবারও ভারতকে রিপ্রেজেন্ট করার কথা ভাবি।তারপর ওয়ার্ল্ড ডান্স টাইসে বাংলাদেশ মেইল পাঠাই। রাশিয়ার  অলিম্পিয়াড খেলাটা পোস্টপর্ণ্ড হয়ে যাওয়ার পরে বাংলাদেশে ওটারি মতন আরেকটা অলিম্পিয়াড যার নাম ওয়ার্ল্ড ডান্স বিডি অলিম্পিয়াড ইন্টারন্যাশনাল উদয় শংকর ডান্স ফেস্টিভাল নামক একটি ফেস্টিভেল এবং প্রতিযোগিতা বাংলাদেশ হয়।যেখানে 55 টি দেশ ভাগ নেয়,তারমধ্যে ভারত থেকে আমি সিলেক্ট হই।14 ই ডিসেম্বর 2019এ হয় সেমিফাইনাল -যেখানে 55টি দেশ পরিবেশনা করে।তারমধ্যে মাত্র 10 টি দেশ সিলেক্ট হয় গ্রান্ড ফাইনালে এ।আমি ভারতের হয়ে প্রতিনিধিত্ব করি এবং সে...

'The Travellers Diary'

The Travellers Diary ' The Travellers Diary '  is an intriguing book of romantic, crisp, exciting, thrilling and adventurous experiences of journey all around the world. The writers of   ' The Travellers Diary '   are a group of passionate authors, who have contributed to this beautiful travelogue, remarked  Dr. Sujata Chatterjee,  the Editor of the book.     This book is published by ' The Impish Lass Publishing House ' .             ' The Travellers Diary '     will be released soon and will be available at the online stores, informed the Executive Editor S. Krishna Kumar. 

Annual General Meeting of FPAI

Annual General Meeting of FPAI Annual General Meeting of FPAI (Family Planning Association of India) was held at Senator Hotel on 21st Dec. eve.   FAMILY PLANNING ASSOCIATION OF INDIA is recognized as India's leading and largest sexual and reproductive health social impact organisation working for almost seven decades with all, including the poor and marginalized communities in the country.  Supratip Mazumdar, Branch Head, FPAI coordinated the AGM proceedings, which was chaired by Ms. Lakshmi Mitra (FPAI Kolkata President). FPAI's AGM was attended by a host of dignitaries from various sectors of the society who support this great cause of Family Planning.

SANGAM – All Faith Climate Change Conference 2019

SANGAM – All Faith Climate Change Conference 2019 Seva Kendra Calcutta (SKC ), the Social Services Organisation of the Archdiocese of Calcutta organized an All-Faith Climate Change Conference at its Main Campus in Kolkata on 14th December. This was a unique initiative which brought together Religious leaders, social activists, environmental experts and members from most communities together to formulate a common action plan of climate change mitigation in the state of West Bengal, informed   Most Rev. Thomas D’Souza, Archbishop of Calcutta.      The conference entailed simultaneous workshops amongst Indic Faiths, Tribal traditions and Prophetic Religions, with a General Assembly and Youth Open House. Finally, a United All-Faith Statement was formulated with the Sangam Declaration, which would be the basis for future implementation at the level of religious educational institutions, community centres and places of worship,  informed  F...